The Brighton Housing Authority is dedicated to providing information, resources, and support to help families enhance their way of living and achieve self-sufficiency.
Housing Navigation
Community members can connect with BHA Services Team members for assistance with housing navigation. Funding for this work is provided by American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds through Adams County.
In partnership with 27J School District and Custom Build Futures, BHA administers a program for high school students to investigate financial aid and explore post secondary school and program options. This program is funded by BHA. More info can be found on our CCL page.
Food Distribution
BHA delivers food to older adults in need at our senior living properties. We partner with Food Bank of the Rockies to deliver Everyday Eats boxes (also known as the Commodity Supplemental Food Program) to the doorsteps of approximately 25 households every month. To learn more and apply to participate, visit the Everyday Eats webpage.
For more information, contact:
Brighton Housing Authority Services Department
Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)
The BHA Services Department delivers case management services to households enrolled in BHA’s TBRA program in addition to rent and security deposit assistance provided by the program. Case management services include resource navigation, housing navigation assistance, housing stability plans, goal setting, and referrals. This program is funded through Adams County with HOME funds.
Services Closet
Every Thursday at the Hughes Station Community Room (231 N Main Street), community members are welcome to stop by to browse the BHA Services Closet and inquire about other resources. The Services Closet has clothing items, baby items, toiletries, and hygiene items through a partnership with A Precious Child. We are generally available from 8:30-4:30 and are closed for lunch from 12-1.
Basic Needs Assistance
Residents of the Platte Valley Medical Center service area who have experienced a hardship within the last 90 days are eligible for assistance related to housing, food, and other basic needs. This assistance allows people facing hardship to receive immediate gap assistance as they wait for other resources or their work income. This program is funded through a Platte Valley Medical Center CHIP grant.
RTD Vouchers
Through a grant from the Regional Transportation District (RTD), local/regional RTD vouchers can be provided to residents to assist with transportation needs. *WE ARE UNFORTUNATELY OUT OF THESE FUNDS FOR 2024.**
ARC Vouchers
Through a partnership with ARC Thrift Stores, BHA regularly has vouchers available to shop in their stores for clothing, household items, and more.
BHA regularly holds events to provide resources for the community, including giveaway events, resource fairs, and workshops. More information about upcoming events can be found on our Events page.